Featured affiliated academy: Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden

Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden

Where is the gym located?
In the very north of Sweden, close to the Arctic circle, in a town called Piteå.

How many people train there?
During the pandemic, the commune closed our training facility and many members went on with other things in life. We are currently working to get the numbers back up. Currently we are closing in on around 20.

Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
Well, Piteå is a small town and I must be realistic, but if we could get around 25 participants every sesson I would be thrilled.

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
I am the highest – I received my black belt in 2014 from Eduardo “Duda” Soares (DLR). We have two purples and a few blues, and the rest are white.

When did Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden open?
Shortly after I moved here from Stockholm, in January 2016.

Some facts about you:

Name: Joakim Ögren
Age: 50
Belt: Black
Profession: Construction worker
Years in BJJ: Since the late 90s
Other martial arts: Yes, since I was 4 years old. Striking arts after the mandatory judo/wrestling as a kid.
Currently living in: Piteå
Originally from: Umeå

Please tell us the story of how your gym came into existence
I played a role when Magnus Hansson started Team Gringo in Stockholm, that has since grown into a great place to train both gi and nogi. But, being an outdoors man as I am, I missed the north and had grown sick of big city life. So we sold the flat and bought a house outside of Piteå. I didn’t want to stop Jiu Jitsu just because there was none here. So I started this gym, not only so I could keep on training but also to spread Jiu Jitsu in this corner of the world.

Tell us about the people that train in the gym – who are they?
Most are just “guys” that like to train Jiu Jitsu. They do it for the great exercise and the bonding that only a Juijiteiro can understand.

Why do they train in Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden?
Beside what I just mentioned, I think the answers are as individual as every single student.

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
This is a low populated area and martial arts are not very deeply rooted in the culture. The commune happily spends money and builds arenas for ball sports, but when it comes to martial arts it’s a very different story. I think it would be awesome if they could let the different martial arts around here have a facility for the purpose of doing what we like.

How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
I think we will grow slowly. As of a year ago I’m on the board of the Swedish Submisson Wrestling federation. It’s a win-win senario since now we can arrange competitions around here – something that was previously very rare. This will have an added effect of making people more eager to train, and more locals will discover the art.

What’s the best thing about Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden?
As with most BJJ gyms, the atmosphere and camaraderie. We have always welcomed visitors, and over the years we’ve had many from all over the world. I think it’s a great way to pick up new stuff and to learn. I also encourage my students to visit other gyms when travelling, just like I’ve done over the years.

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym?
Dude… there’s so much to see once you realise that travelling isn’t just about cities! The surrounding areas offer so much. If, like me, you love to fish, hunt, go snowmobiling or boondocking or anything in the outdoors, this is the place.

  • Rent a car and go sightseeing in the mountains. See the great rivers. Or take a boat trip around the archipelago.
  • We have quite a unique law in Sweden that gives you the right to wander and hike all over the place. So if you’re into hiking there is no place like it.
  • During the winter you can go skiing or snowmobiling. I’m also big-time into ice fishing and hunting during that time of the year.


Thanks for sharing! If you’d like to visit Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden you can contact them here.