Featured Camp Instructor: Zachary Miller – BJJ Globetrotters

Zachary Miller BJJ

Zachary Miller – BJJ Globetrotters

Belt: Black
Age: 30

Profession: Serving in the United States Marine Corps since 2013
Started training (year): 2009
City/country: Arizona, USA


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

I’m relatively new to competing in Jiu Jitsu and have just recently found a desire for competition, so still building experience in that regard. I do however take much pride in my teaching abilities and consider my experiences of teaching in other countries with BJJ Globetrotters as the current highlight of my career. I’m honored to have met so many wonderful people and blessed to have  been afforded the opportunity to help others along in their journey on the mats. Being able to teach my style in a realistic, relatable and most importantly, humorous format will continue to be my goal. 


In addition, I’m very pleased to be working as a volunteer with We Defy Foundation, an organization focused on rehabilitating combat disabled veterans through jiu jitsu. I am currently their Training Facility Coordinator and responsible for making sure all affiliated gyms who partner with us meet the criteria for providing a safe space for our scholarship recipients. Given the fact that Globetrotters is so welcoming and non-political, my experience with them has given me great insight on what  to look for and avoid in the process of screening potential gyms. 


Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

Iceland, St. Barthelemy, Germany and every Arizona camp there’s been.


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

It’s definitely a tie between Iceland and St. Barthelemy. Iceland because I was able to experience a culture and region vastly different from my home for the first time, and St. Barts because of the small interpersonal camaraderie your afforded.


Favorite stories/moments from the camps?


Zachary Miller – BJJ Globetrotters Iceland Camp


Another toss up between so many memories! It’s between competing in the Glima tournament and hiking with friends to watch an active volcano eruption in Iceland or the last minute mansion party in the hills of St. Barts and competing in the Caribbean Island camp surf competition, despite sucking royally!


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp?

Recently in Germany my Coach and good friend, Michael Currier and I started co-teaching a Big Guys vs Little Guys class. This has been the most fun class to teach thus far as we both enjoy making everyone laugh and entertaining the group. With him being 145lbs and me being 215lbs we have to modify so many things when rolling against each other’s style. Sharing those adjustments has been really fun and helpful at camp.

Zachary Miller – BJJ Globetrotters Camp


Anything else you want to add to your profile:

I’m truly grateful for BJJ Globetrotters. Because of this organization I have been able to identify and avoid cult gyms, skirt around unnecessary politics, find and embrace my new and current gym/team, make wonderful friends all over the world, teach my style of Jiu jitsu, travel and experience new cultures with my wife, and live the dream. I encourage anyone reading this who’s never attended a camp to take their first step and purchase a ticket!



Zachary Miller – BJJ Globetrotters instructor