
How To Survive Beer Camp

I’m here to tell you the legends are true. You might wonder how could it be possible for one person to train so hard, learn so many things, drink so much beer, have that much fun and live to tell the tale. Fear not my friends. With some simple guidelines you too can make it through the BJJ Globetrotters Summer Camp in Leuven, Belgium. A.K.A. Beer Camp.

Christian Graugart's

Christian Graugart’s day 1 class

The first challenge you will face is booking your ticket. Be sure to watch for the camp announcement and book early. This camp is filled with Summer camp veterans that have braved these lands before.

If possible, plan to arrive early. This will give you the advantage as you will know the layout of the land. You will also acclimate to the elevation to improve your performance on the mats and recovery after binge drinking/rolling. When your liver is prepared head to the unofficial Globetrotters bar Den Brosser and immediately  seek out anyone in BJJ/sports wear. The more Globetrotters you can meet the better. 4 livers are better than one. Wear your most recognizable BJJ attire. Possibly even your Gi. Begin posting early pics to the camp participants Facebook group to stir jealousy.

Home sweet home

Day one: remember you have a week of training and drinking ahead. Try to ease into it bit by bit. Then, you will fail miserably and end up exhausted on the mats sleeping in the corner followed later by drunkenly stumbling home while the sun comes up. It’s okay. It happens to everyone.

The next few days will be a blur as you try to soak up beautiful techniques and entertaining seminars with your new friends while avoiding the viscous sober predators that hunt the boozy Jiu Jiteiros such as yourself. Take ample amounts of pictures and videos and be sure to tag each person to increase Facebook likes. 

Laundry with Chris Haueter

Use NASA level organization skills to stuff laundry, naps, and dinner into 3 hours of free time each day. Bonus points for combining dinner with being social by signing up for the camp dinners.  

Okay! You’ve made it this far. Your body is sore all over in the best way. Your liver is screaming. Shut up liver you’re fine. You’ve got ample amounts of new techniques that you can’t wait to try on unassuming teammates in your home gym. We’re not finished yet! The camp will end with shenanigans, the largest most awesome open mat ever, and the worlds wildest Jiu Jitsu camp party that your Globetrotting mind can imagine. 

 Pro tip: book your next day flight in the evening and pack the night before. 

When all the dust settles, you will be a proud survivor of the worlds most awesome gathering of bjj people. You will have tons of new friends, you will have made your flight home, and you might be a proud owner of the legendary bar team patch.