Featured Camp Instructor: Joshua Janis – BJJ Globetrotters

Joshua Janis - BJJ

Joshua Janis – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 39
Belt: Black

Profession: Communication Coach with MyOdisee
Started training (year): 2000
City/country:  Milwaukee, WI, USA


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

The main thing I am proud of is creating lasting relationships with practitioners all around the world. In a close second, becoming a megaphone for the Jiu Jitsu hobbyist. We can become excellent at Jiu Jitsu and also train in a painless, precise and playful way.


Joshua Janis – BJJ Globetrotters


Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

I have attended Arizona a bunch of times, Iceland, Estonia, Heidelberg, and St. Barths.


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

Estonia in Tallinn. It was a magical mix of people in a wonderful city.



Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

Oh gosh, so many. I’ll pick Three. First, the 12 ft ladder, Jesus take the wheel, back flop into a kiddie pool. Second, rapping karaoke in estonia while having way to many “Free” Mintu shots. Third, finding a hidden club in the basement of a bar we were just in the night before and had no idea. Dancing the night away when I thought I just wanted a night cap.


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp?

I just love teaching, so any really. If you are twisting my arm (Jiu Jitsu pun intended) I would have to pick my guillotine classes as I have the largest breadth of knowledge on the subject.



Anything else you want to add to your profile:

I have 2 BJJ fanatics videos out with a third being filmed in November.



I have a dojo named White Lotus that my partner Meghan and I own in Milwaukee, WI. We love visitors. Check us out at https://www.gentleartlifestyle.com/whitelotusbjj 


Joshua Janis – BJJ Globetrotters instructor